— Safe = Free —
Our technology augment stability on two wheel to expand what can be done (ex.: winter riding or with heavy cargo)
and/or the range of user adopting E-bike as an enjoyable, green and healthy mobility.
Bring Back Balance with the Force... from Gyroscope
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The problem with typical bicycle and motorcycle?
more at risk to die per km travelled with motorcycle and bicycle
chance to die on your bike if you travel the Canadian average but on a bike
of accident caused directly or indirectly by the loss of stability
of probability to get hospitalised in your lifetime if you travel the Canadian average on your bicycle
of crash involve no other vehicles, even with experienced user
cycled is spent on accidents in the US for hospitalization, lost work time, and other expenses
Studies show Safety and Fuel Economy are the two main concern when buying a new car. InerScience make theses goal easier to achieve on two wheels.
Improving Stability
Environmental stability is a challenges. We need more communities of people to turn to sustainable transportation solutions to reduce their carbon footprint while improving their quality of life. Improving stability promote safer mobility for the users AND for the environment. It also lower the learning curve and enable an extended use (ex.: for cargo or family transport, winter riding) for more inclusivity.
Learn about the technology

The technology
Gyroscopic forces are used to augment the the stability in stopped, riding, collision and skidding situations. This directly address the main cause of hospitalization, the loss of stability. Learn how the technology work, it's multiple application and advantages.

Test ride and events
Propose or attend to planned events for free, testing e-bikes equipped with the technology and informing about theirs use.

Reserve yours
File a deposit to get in line for the product sold in 2024. Step-thru e-bikes, cargo e-bikes and add on kit are offered. Customization services are also available for other vehicles or with added functionalities (e.g.: GPS, dash cam and cellular communication).